Anti-Greenwashing Policy

Anti-Greenwashing Policy

At CSRWorks International, we are committed to fostering authentic sustainability practices and reporting across all our service offerings comprising sustainability consulting, sustainability report assurance, GHG verification and training services. Recognizing the detrimental impact of greenwashing on both the environment and the credibility of sustainability efforts, we commit to a stringent policy against facilitating or endorsing greenwashing in any form. This policy underscores our commitment to educating our clients about the risks of greenwashing and guiding them towards authentic and transparent sustainability practices.

The aim of this policy is to explicitly define our stance against greenwashing, ensuring that our sustainability consultancy, assurance and verification services do not enable greenwashing practices among our clients. This policy aims to eradicate greenwashing through diligent practice and client education, ensuring that all sustainability claims related to our services are grounded in fact and supported by robust evidence. It guides our efforts to assist clients in achieving genuine sustainability milestones without resorting to misleading assertions. It seeks to foster a culture of honesty, integrity, and transparency in all sustainability-related endeavors, especially sustainability reporting, thus contributing positively to the broader sustainability agenda.

This policy applies to all employees, associates, contractors, partners, and suppliers guiding our interactions with clients across all sustainability services provided. It governs our interactions with clients and encompasses sustainability advisory, sustainability reporting, sustainability report assurance, GHG verification, training courses and any other services where sustainability claims or implications may be presented or advised.

Policy Statements

  1. No Facilitation of Greenwashing: We will not knowingly participate in, support, or endorse any actions or claims by our clients that could be considered greenwashing. This includes providing services or advice that could lead to misleading sustainability claims.
  2. Client Education: We will proactively educate our clients about the importance of accurate, verifiable sustainability claims and the risks associated with greenwashing. Our goal is to empower clients to make honest, transparent claims about their environmental and social impacts.
  3. Verification and Transparency: We will encourage and assist our clients in obtaining third-party verification for their sustainability claims wherever possible. In our sustainability reporting services, we will urge our clients to disclose methodologies, data sources, and assumptions used in making sustainability claims.
  4. Ethical Advisory Services: Our advisory services will uphold the highest ethical standards, ensuring that sustainability advice and reporting are based on credible evidence and best practices. We will guide clients towards sustainable practices that have a genuine positive impact.
  5. Regulatory Compliance: We will keep abreast of and ensure compliance with relevant environmental legislation, standards, and best practices, advising our clients to do the same to avoid inadvertent greenwashing.
  6. Continuous Learning and Improvement: Recognising the evolving nature of sustainability practices and standards, we commit to ongoing learning and improvement in our advisory services to better serve our clients and the environment.


  • Training: All employees involved in delivering advisory, assurance, GHG verification and sustainability training courses receive training on identifying and preventing greenwashing, focusing on ethical advisory practices.
  • Client Engagement: We follow a standard approach for engaging with clients on sustainability issues, including assessing the risk of greenwashing and providing appropriate education and resources.
  • Monitoring and Evaluation: Regular reviews are conducted to ensure compliance with this policy, including auditing client engagements for adherence to anti-greenwashing principles.

Last updated on: 21 Feb 2024